Our aim is to provide the best provide soccer, education, leadership and life skills development programs to children from diverse backgrounds but with a special focus to the underserved communities in the country and beyond, providing free or low-cost training to through scholarships and grants and create opportunities for them to pursue their dreams. This we believe will reduce the rate of youth crime and gang related issues, drug abuse, and depression amongst other social issues with our youths in the current world.


We will achieve this in a full residential facility with top class coaching in soccer, leadership, education and other life skill program to create a perfect environment for the athletes to develop and reach their full potentials.

We aim to develop players to play in the first team of Major League clubs in the United States as well as in Europe and other leagues across the world. We will be offering specific mandatory vocational education for every student ages 14 to 18 years before graduating from the academy so as to equip them with a skill that will empower them to be ready for the world while we also plan to have some of our student becoming professionals in different fields from Politics, entertainment, health by getting top class education from tons of academic institutions around the country that will be partnering with us.

Our admission processes is rigorous and on a continuous basis as more talented students are discovered and invited to join the academy.

Our aim is to have fulltime student’s capacity residential facility for athlete ages 13 years with a plan for them to graduate after 5 years at age 18 where we hope they will be ready to take the professional soccer path, education path or an assuring work life path with a vocational education in hand.

All students and coaches shall reside in the academy facility.